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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  07-Sep-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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NMI 114P9 Cu2
Name SIMCOE (L.382), THREE GUARDSMEN Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 114P069
Status Showing NTS Map 114P09W
Latitude 059º 36' 08'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 136º 23' 40'' Northing 6607939
Easting 421293
Commodities Gold, Copper, Magnetite, Molybdenum Deposit Types K01 : Cu skarn
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Alexander, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Simcoe showing is located east of Three Guardsmen Lake on the Haines Highway, approximately 142 kilometres south-southeast of Haines Junction, Yukon.

A wedge of Silurian to Permian sediments is intruded and contact metamorphosed by gneissic quartz diorite of Late Cretaceous (Tkope River Intrusions) age. The metasediments comprise of marble, quartzite, argillite and schist which strike northeast to east and dip north at 40 to 50 degrees. Foliation in the intrusives parallels intrusive-metasediment contacts, which generally follow bedding. Marble occurs as lenses and irregular masses ranging from a metre to a hundred metres wide. This gold and copper occurrence is skarn hosted. Skarn replaces marble along parts of its contact with clastic metasediments and with intrusives. Mineralized skarn consists of actinolite, diopside, garnet, and epidote. East of Clayton Creek a semi-massive, magnetite skarn lens with minor chalcopyrite is 6 metres-wide and 10 metres-long. A grab sample assayed 1.03 grams per tonne gold and 0.8 per cent copper (Bulletin 25). Below this, a series of narrow magnetite skarn lenses occur on the hangingwall of a north-dipping quartz diorite contact. Chalcopyrite occurs in the magnetite lenses, and molybdenite films occur along joints in quartz diorite and skarn near the contact.

Work History

The Simcoe Crown-grant (Lot 382) is located on Clayton Creek about 1 kilometre east of Glave Peak. The Lucy (Lot 961) and Eagle (Lot 384) Crown-grants extend east from the Simcoe claim.

The showings were discovered and staked in 1909. The claims were optioned in 1910 to interests promoting a railway through the area but only limited surface work was done for assessment requirements; the option was given up the following year. The claims were Crown-granted in 1917 to J.H. Chisel, J. Irvine, A.C. Smith, and Hugh McDonald.

In 1989, Mountainside Management conducted a prospecting and sampling program in the Simcoe, Mildred and Canadian Verdee areas (Assessment Report 18874).

In 2006, Gerry Diakow owned the Coldstream claim that covered ground containing seven old Crown Granted Claims. Six of these old granted claims have been reverted, surrendered or deactivated, with the only remaining Crown Granted claim still in good standing being the Canadian-Verdi claim (Lot 215). Mineralization is reported present over a wide area. However, past work by previous operators was reported to have made mapping of bedrock near the Mildred showing (114P 013) difficult because the ground appeared as if it had been reclaimed. Samples with a high-grade of copper and magnetite were collected although the gold showings at the northern part of the claim area were reportedly not located, presumably the Simcoe (114P 012) (Assessment Report 29366). One sample was taken on the Canadian Verdi crown grant and several more samples were indicated on a map to the immediate north and south of the Canadian Verdi claim area, on the Coldstream claims.

In 2010, Gerry Diakow held the area as the Cold claim (Tenure 744162). Nine rock samples were collected (Assessment Report 32431). Much of the sampling appears to have been conducted on the Canadian Verdi area (Lot 215) (MINFILE 114P 014) and some on the lapsed Mildred crown grant (MINFILE 114P 213). The area of the Simcoe showings was contained within the Cold claim as well but no mention is made of work there.

In 2019 the Three Guardian Claims covering the Simcoe showing were prospected by S.G. Diakow, resulting in a new showing discovered in a cirque area (CIRQUE VERDEE) approximately 500 metres to the south-southwest of the Canadian Verdee workings. No rock samples were collected from the old Simcoe workings in 2019 (Assessment Report 38684).

EMPR AR *1910-55; *1911-60; *1914-98; 1917-451
EMPR ASS RPT 18874, 29266, 29366, 32431, 38684
EMPR BULL *25, p. 58
EMPR FIELDWORK 1992, pp. 217-229
EMPR PFD 650368
GSC OF 926, 2191
GSC SUM RPT 1913, p. 32